Temubual : Dr Mahathir VS Yahudi


Tokoh negara yang amat ku segani n adore~

mendengarkan beliau membela negara kita dan mempertahankan tindakan serta kata2 beliau membuatkan aku rasa bangga menjadi rakyat malaysia. Apabila beliau mempertahankan kata2 nya yg seolah2 menyelar Barat menggunakan bahasa yang menurut host rancangan tu TUN make mistakes for using such words.... beliau (Tun) menjadikan bangsa Malaysia sbg contoh. he said that we (malaysian) didn't like to be called by names (as they/the westerners may have called) such as "lazy, incompetent, untrustworthy malays" too but we could not find a way to make sure our voices be heard (by western). that's why, he.. acknowledging he's status are able to voice out what we Malysians can't. one word guys... BEAUTIFUL.

beliau yakin dalam membenarkan tindakan2 beliau yang dipersoalkan oleh host rancgn tersebut he said, "which is TRUE. U MUST ADMIT THAT" || "THAT IS VERY TRUE" || "YES. It is necessary" without hesitating even a bit. NICE ONE!

semasa beliau berkata " I'M STATING FACT. I'M WILLING TO SAY THAT AGAIN.. N AGAIN.. BACAUSE THIS IS WHAT HAPPEN." i respect him even more~

dan, APABILA BELIAU dikatakan sebagai anti-sematik. beliau dengan lantang menyuarakan bantahan beliau terhadap tuduhan tersebut krn beliau bkn anti-sematik dan... "ANTI-SEMANTICSM IS CREATED BY JEWS HIMSELF. WE CANNOT SAY ANYTHING. IN FACT, JORNALISTS HAS BEEN ARRESTED FOR SAYING SOMETHING AGAINST THE HOLOCAUST N JAILED FOR 3 YEARS. WHERE IS THE FREEDOM OF PRESS???" He put on a smile. a smirk i would say. n the host stalled for a while b4 continuing the SPEECH (debate) with other question. i personnally like this one. haha.. he got the jews there~

oke.. bila ayahanda tun menjawab soalan seterusnya about him being anti-semantic, he still insist on saying that IT'S ALL FACT! . The host then deliberately putting aside the "FACTS" and try to understand Tun's "LOGIC"! Seems like he is without question has losing his words to HANTAM Tun. the cat nearly got his tongue! NICE WORK AYAHANDA~ thumbs up!

TUN.. WITHOUT ANY DOUBT. HE IS A MAN WITH WISDOM AND UNDERSTAND EXACTLY WHAT HE'S DOIN', what he need N WHAT HE SAID. he takes all responsibility towards his actions n words.

lastly, bila host to said Tn, as a leader of the opposition... he should be QUIET, Tun did not hesitate when he said, "WHY SHOULD I BE QUIET? U MEAN TO SAY WHEN THEY'RE (the western/jews) DOING SOMETHING THAT IS WRONG TO MY COUNTRY N I SHOULD NOT SAY ANYTHING? I WOULD BE IRRESPONSIBLE IF I WERE TO DO THAT?"

i juz love to heard WISE MAN talks n straightened up his/her POINT OF VIEW!! JOB WELL DONE TUN. Ternyata Ayahanda TUN BERJAYA MEMATAHKAN SEMUA SOALAN / TDUHAN YANG DILEMPARKAN OLEH host rancangan tersebut yg terang mewakili Yahdi dalam 'perdebatan' ini.

tabik spring.. toing3456x


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