Cornflakes Honey

Nothing's Personal, it's Juz Improved Skill.. - SHimM -

this is my first time doin' this. oke, not really doin' it myself. but with my dear lil' sis, cah. we've made CORNFLAKE HONEY. sound cheeky right, as anyone can do it. haha.. mmglah, tp utk diri aku, this is something i can boost off.coz it's not everyday i would made something considered biscuits or kuih raya for what i care. eheeee..

Rentetan daripada kursus 1Malaysia membuat kek n biskut yg aku anjurkan masa bln puasa ari tuh, tergerak hati aku nk try resepi yg dibg. ehem walaupun cornflake honey yg aku wat xikot pon resepi yg diberi but, alhamdulillah.... menjadi gk. ahahaaa.. operasi bermula mlm dlm kol 10 g2.. mende nih dah mcm operasi mlm ramadhan untuk hari raya. well, sbnarnya rasa bersalah to admit that this particular kuih raya had won over solat tarawikh n ibadah pd waktu mlm. ehem..

k.. bhn2 nya aku dah beli awal2 kt Wellward, pasaraya kt Parit Raja. selain tuh, madu yg aku beli kt cameron juga aku bwk specially for this purpose. juz, nice.. but, to my surprise, cah pon ada beli brg2 dia sdr like cornflakes, chocolate, chocolate rice n everything sbb dia p wat kuih kt rmh jiran sekg merangkap her best friend (i presume). so, dpendekkan citer..

pd satu mlm yg hening n agk sejuk tp nyaman.. tanpa sbrg gangguan angin kencang n bunyi-bunyian hutan.. aku ngn cah pon buat lah kuih tuh. ehem.. walaupon aku nih xreti buat mende2 mcm nih. i guess i've done very well, u see.. oke. sajer nk bermegah2 sbnarnya. plis forgive me.. eheheeee.. i'll juz give myself a break n this are the pictures yg sempat aku snap:->

2 bekas lebih kitorang dpt mlm tuh. eksperiment dulu kn. if ok, bole wat lg. to be honest, rasanya xde lah terok sgt. eheheeee.. bhn2 lebih kitorang sambung wat kendian....

the end ... ~


sheta said...

wallaweih, nak la sket...resepinya mana beb? waahh..makin hebat ko nih..
dah pandai jahit baju sendiri...dan dah pandai buat kuih juga :-) i'm proud of you,shim!

Lepas ni, buat kek plak :-)

ShimM said...

resepi xde la weih. aku men campur jer madu, susu pekat, mentega n masak sampai pekat. angkat dr api, pastu campurkn cornflake (yg dah dibakar sampai ranggup), kismis, ceri. gaul sampai sebati pastu letak kt cup. hmm.. can tu jer..

kek ker.. kene ada steamer o oven tuh.. nk wat blueberry cheesecake (resepi: xperlu dibakar) tp, bhn2 mahal lah~

RaUDaH said...

hmmm...lehla wat pat time bisnes rye thun dpn..:)

ReeNaJoE said...

wah..boleh jadik calon menantu pilihan makbapak ni hehehe...if akak buat resepi ni akak suka letak maple syrup instead of honey..lagi sedapp!! kudos to u!!!

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