Movie Review: AVATAR ~ must watch movie

one of the scenemic scenes..
one of the cinematic views..
watak utama
male main character, jack sully and his avatar
the main characters - jack sully n
the main characters - jack sully n

AVATAR. Aper aku paling suka about this film besides its awesome CGI effects that Hollywood can offer, is how “they” interpret the deep connections between the Na’vi clan n the forest they lived in. amazingly, each one of the Navi’s (even the human-cloned Na’vi) can access watver there is around them wit a weird looking ‘pink cables’ at the tip of their hair. They control everything even the animals the rode on wit ‘it’ through ‘tsahaylu’ – connecting themselves wit nature n thus controlled directly by their mind. There is this character, Eywa.. Eywa’s like their undoubted belief of the spirit (or mebi god) that duels the forest. Each scenes are embark with astonishing view.. can’t believe that it doesn’t even exist at the first place. Looked totally real!! Those who haven’t watch it should go straight to the cinema or buy the cd/dvd n watch it at their leisure time. N, don’t forgot to enjoy it. I give Avatar a nine over ten!

Setiap watak clan Na’vi nih ade ‘rupe’ masing2. That’s how viewers recognize each characters.. ‘rupa’ derang pulak resembles Afrikan-American. And as always, mat salleh pon ade.. watak utama sudah tentunyer..

This muvi hv such a deep emotional feelings. It talks about unconditional love to nature, family, between each character involved, enjoying their life to the fullest n not whining about it n many more feelings. Ironi nyer, human is the bad guy in this muvi. Manusia sanggup buat aper sahaja even if they had to chase the Na’vi out of their home called the “Home Tree” or simply use violence to settle everything with bazooka, warcraft n etc. Reason? Greed. Human is greed. They want Titanium-like (I think) mineral that worth a fortune. Unfortunately, it lays right beneath “Home Tree” at hundreds miles radius! This is how the war begins.. the Na’vis who r an environmental lover becoming their victims..

My personal view: Besh giler citer nih. jln crite sgt menarik. garapan cerita juga sedang2 sje tanpa terlalu bermegah seperti kebanyakan filem hollywood yang gah menayangkan ke’tuan’an mereka dimuka bumi. cth, mcm filem 2012 (not gonna go into that). Adaptasi emosi yang tidak keterlaluan ttp tetap menyengat dgn barisan pelakon mantap yang berjaya menjiwai watak imaginasi Na’vi dgn baik, pelakon suara yang berjaya menjiwai mahkluk khayalan dan kesan khas ‘out of this world’ yang sgt mahir. Mcm real jerk with lots of awesome cinematic views.. Nature has never been this beautiful to me. Bravo to all the crews behind the scenes!! i really mean all. from the director(s), producer(s), actors n actresses, cameramen(s), waterboy(s), all of them.

-ve thoughts on Avatar: muvi yang menampilkan masalah kemusnahan alam sekitar (environmental issue) merupakan usaha yang patot mendapat pujian. walau bagaimanapun, pilem hollywood can never leave ‘cliche’ in their production. not gonna comment on that bcoz byk sgt cliche.

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ehem.. ini post pertama aku... ehem.. aku dah lama gk la create blog nih
tp, skrg bru nk active


hmm.. kejung plk minda aku yang menulis.. lenkali aku akn letak post da best from my fiendster.. those i prefer da best laa..

eheh.. aku cdg nk stat active berblog, instead of just blogging kt fs jer.. cm ni lebeh slamat. at least aku leh tapis siapa yang boleh view blog aku nih

hmm... for the time being, aku plan generic kan jer dulu. lgpon aku xde full time nk dedicated my precious time ngadap blogspot.. n i will update this blog from time to time..

really loooking forward to be an awesome blogger..

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